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Jumat, 30 September 2011

Novel UnseenLove

Novel ini hanyalah sebuah cerita yang pada awalnya menggambarkan kehidupan di dunia model yang telah aku jalani sejak thn 1999. Ada begitu banyak hal yang ingin aku ceritakan tentang duniaku. Mulailah aku menulis sebuah cerita yang berlatar belakang dunia model. Semua mengalir lancar karena aku memahami sepenuhnya dunia itu. Hingga tiba waktunya aku harus memasukkan bagian yang tragis. Entah ide dari mana, tiba-tiba saja aku menghilangkan tokoh kesayanganku tersebut. Sebuah proses yang sangat menekanku. Berhari-hari hingga berminggu-minggu harus aku abaikan pembuatan novel tersebut karena tidak menemukan rasa yang dapat aku ungkapkan di dalam cerita. Ternyata...bagian tersebut menjadi bagian tersulit yang harus aku buat. Hingga kini, setiap aku membacanya, aku pasti akan selalu ingin menangis dan tidak jarang akhirnya menangis betulan.
Syukurlah setelah melalui berbagai proses, menawarkan ke penerbit hingga tidak ada kabarnya sama sekali....akhirnya ada kesempatan untukku mengikuti kompetisi menulis novel di Gagas Media. Siapa sangka, walaupun tidak berhasil mendapatkan juara 1,2,3. Aku berhasil masuk 20 besar. Ini merupakan prestasi yang tidak bisa aku abaikan dalam hidupku. Karena selama ini, aku menulis untuk diriku sendiri. Tidak pernah satu kali pun aku menerbitkannya untuk sebuah artikel koran sekolah atau apalah itu semua karya cerpenku.
Kini, novel keduaku ini masih dalam proses edit akhir. Aku menunggunya dengan harap-harap cemas. Seperti menunggu kelahiran anak kedua.
Judul novelku akan berubah, entah menjadi apa. Yang pasti, aku sangat senang akan semua proses yang aku alami ini. Menulis, merenung, dikejar deadline, harus buat paragraf baru, mengirim profile dan foto, dan lain-lainnya.
Doakan semoga semua proses ini berjalan lancar hingga akhirnya ya....
Btw, Bukune Publishing adalah penerbit yang akan menerbitkan novelku ini. Thanks to Bukune.
Riftiana, Helga. (2007). Gara-gara Irana jadi Arini. Jakarta: Vania Books.
Gara-gara Irana jadi Arini is the fiction book that told about the experience of twin girls who changed their position. Although they are twins, their personalities are different each other. Irana who was still studying at Senior High school is the boyish girl and Arini who was studying higher than her is the feminine girl. One day, Arini got the task to tell about her social life when she was at Senior High School. She was confused because she never experienced it. Arini took the extensive school when she was studying at Senior High School; and she could finish it in 2 years. Therefore, she never had a time to play with her friend as Irana did. In other case, Irana was bored with her school; she wanted to study at University as Arini did. Then, Irana suggested changing their position. At first, Arini refused it because she afraid about the risk that will be got; but then she agreed because she remember about her task. Finally, they changed their position and something happen with them. The illustration of this book is quite good though there are no pictures, because the author clarifies the series with the simple language, so the reader will understand fast about the story. The title and cover of the book can attract the reader to read it. Unfortunately, the paper that used is not too clear. The excess of the book is, it was ever become the film story at SCTV.Reading this book reminds me the film story that was double characterized by Lindsay Lohan when she was young. This film told about the twin girls who separated when they were being a baby because their parents divorced. When they were adolescent, they met each other at the camp. The boyish girl lived with her father and the feminine girl lived with her mother. Because they wanted to meet and live with their parent, they changed the position. They had the desire to unite their family again. Finally, they succeed to create it. I found the similar thing among the stories. Both of them told about the twin girls who changed their position for any reason. They want to be their twin sister, so they can experience something that never be got. Gara-gara Arini jadi Irana is an interesting book to read because many funny stories that given. However, this story is not too good to be done because it just makes